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2022-05-16 15:07:40 +00:00
// AgentApp demo
// Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2015. All rights reserved.
var AgentAppDemo = function () {
this.CreateVideoDeviceWindow = function (userId, deviceId) {
//create window
var hwndInfo = WndUiExcute('Create', 'Video_' + userId + '_' + deviceId);
var obj = JSON.parse(hwndInfo);
//start draw the video
ConferenceExcute('StartDrawVideo', userId, deviceId, obj.hWnd, 1); //mode 1 indicates that it draws the video by ratio
return '';
this.CloseVideoDeviceWindow = function (userId, deviceId, hWnd) {
//stop draw the video
ConferenceExcute('StopDrawVideo', userId, deviceId, hWnd);
//destroy the window
WndUiExcute("Destroy", hWnd);
return "";
this.CreateDesktopShareWindow = function () {
// create windows
var hwndInfo = WndUiExcute("Create", 'DesktopShare Window');
var obj = JSON.parse(hwndInfo);
//set desktop share display window
ConferenceExcute('SetDisplayShareScreenWnd', ConferenceState.GetDesktopShareHwnd());
return '';
this.OpenDialog = function (dialogName, arguments, width, height) {
var arg = arguments;
arg.dialog = dialogName;
arg.Config = Config;
dialogRet = window.showModalDialog("huaweiScripts/demo/common/dialog.html", arg, "dialogWidth=" + width + "px;dialogHeight=" + height + "px;status=yes;scroll=no;help=no;");
return dialogRet;
this.ChooseConfMemberUser = function (tipmessage) {
var arg = new Object();
if (arg === null || arg === undefined){
INFO_LOG_METHOD("UserAppDemo","someting go wrong here, the arg is null");
arg.memberList = ConferenceState.GetConfMemberList();
arg.tipmessage = tipmessage;
var userid = AgentAppDemoExcute("OpenDialog", "ChooseConfMember", arg, 400, 300);
//if not correct selected, return null
if (typeof userid === "undefined") {
return null;
return userid;
this.ChooseVideoParam = function () {
var arg = new Object();
var paramInfo = ConferenceExcute("GetSupportVideoParams", UserState.GetSelectedVideoDevice());
var obj = JSON.parse(paramInfo);
if (obj.resultCode != 0) {
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo","Get Support Video Param Failed");
var paramList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < obj.supportVideoParam.length; i++) {
arg.paramList = paramList;
arg.tipmessage = "Set video param";
var param = AgentAppDemoExcute("OpenDialog", "ChooseVideoParam", arg, 600, 400);
//if not correct selected, return null
if (typeof param === "undefined") {
return null;
return param;
this.ChooseLocalVideoDevice = function () {
var arg = new Object();
arg.deviceList = ConferenceState.GetLocalDeviceList();
var deviceid = AgentAppDemoExcute("OpenDialog", "ChooseLocalVideoDevice", arg, 600, 300);
//if not correct selected, return null
if (typeof deviceid === "undefined") {
return null;
return deviceid;
this.QueryErrorCode = function (ocx, errCode) {
if (ocx === 'ConferenceOcx') {
return ConferenceExcute("GetResultDesc", errCode);
else if (ocx === 'VoiceOcx') {
return VoiceExcute("GetResultDesc", errCode);
else if (ocx === 'ICSClientOcx') {
return ICSClientExcute("GetResultDesc", errCode);
else if (ocx === 'AgentOcx'){
return AgentExcute("GetPromptByErrorCode", errCode);
//define methods for the ui action
AgentAppDemo.prototype =
Login: function (WorkNo, AgentPwd, ProgID, PhoneNumber) {
var error = AgentExcute('SignInEx', WorkNo, AgentPwd, ProgID, PhoneNumber);
if (error === 548)//548 indicates that agent need to modify password
var pwdInfo = OpenModifyPWDDialog();
return AgentExcute('ModifyAgentPwd',pwdInfo.OldPWD, pwdInfo.NewPWD,pwdInfo.ConfirmPWD);
Logout: function () {
return AgentExcute('SignOutEx');
ModifyPWD: function(){
var pwdInfo = OpenModifyPWDDialog();
return AgentExcute('ModifyAgentPwd',pwdInfo.OldPWD, pwdInfo.NewPWD,pwdInfo.ConfirmPWD);
Register: function (PhoneNumber, PhonePwd) {
return AgentExcute('Register', PhoneNumber, PhonePwd);
Deregister: function () {
return VoiceExcute("Deregister");
AnswerPhone: function () {
return VoiceExcute("Answer", VoicePhoneState.GetCurrentCallID());
ReleasePhone: function () {
return VoiceExcute("Release", VoicePhoneState.GetCurrentCallID());
SayBusy: function () {
return AgentExcute('SayBusy');
SayFree: function () {
return AgentExcute('SayFree');
AgentEnterWork: function () {
return AgentExcute('AgentEnterWork');
AgentEnterIdle: function () {
return AgentExcute('AgentEnterIdle');
BusyWithReason: function () {
var busyInfo = OpenBusyDialog();
if (typeof busyInfo === "undefined") {
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "try rest, but dialog operation not correct.");
return '';
if (busyInfo.RestCause === "") {
WARN_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "No Busy reason setted, please set vdn reason first");
return '';
return AgentExcute("SayBusyWithReason", busyInfo.RestCause);
AnswerAgentTalk: function () {
return AgentExcute("AnswerEx", AgentState.GetMediaType());
ReleaseAgentTalk: function () {
//if it is webchat ,info the user to release in webchat tab
if (AgentState.GetMediaType() === 1){
WARN_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "Please release webchat in the webchat tabpage!");
else {
AgentExcute("ReleaseCallEx", AgentState.GetMediaType(), AgentState.GetCurrentCallCCBIdx());
return '';
BeginMute: function () {
return AgentExcute('BeginMuteUserEx');
EndMute: function () {
return AgentExcute('EndMuteUserEx');
HoldCall: function () {
return '';
GetHold: function () {
return '';
BeginRecordEx: function () {
return AgentExcute('BeginRecordEx');
StopRecordEx: function () {
return AgentExcute('StopRecordEx');
CallOut: function (caller,called) {
// var callOutInfo = OpenCallOutDialog();
// if (typeof callOutInfo === "undefined") {
if (caller === "undefined"||caller==="") {
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "try CallOut, but caller not correct.");
return '';
if (called === "") {
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "callout number not filled.");
return '';
return AgentExcute("CallOutEx", caller, called);
InnerCall: function () {
var retInfo = OpenInnerCallDialog();
if (typeof retInfo === "undefined") {
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "try CallOut, but dialog operation not correct.");
return '';
if (retInfo === "") {
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "agentid not filled.");
return '';
return AgentExcute("CallInnerEx", retInfo, 5);
ConfJoinEx: function () {
return AgentExcute('ConfJoinEx');
DTMF: function () {
var retInfo = OpenDTMFDialog();
if (typeof retInfo === "undefined") {
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "try dtmf, but dialog operation not correct.");
return '';
if (retInfo === "") {
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "dtmf not filled.");
return '';
return AgentExcute("AgentSendDTMF", retInfo);
CallData: function () {
var retInfo = OpenCallDataDialog();
if (typeof retInfo === "undefined") {
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "try set calldata, but dialog operation not correct.");
return '';
return AgentExcute("SetCallDataEx", 5, retInfo);
SendChat: function (content) {
var ret = AgentExcute("SendChat", AgentState.GetChatCCBIdx(), content);
if (ret !== 0){
content = "<!failed>" + content;
AgentState.AgentSendChatContent(AgentState.GetChatCCBIdx(), AgentState.GetWorkNo() + ":"+ decodeURI(content));
return ret;
InnerHelp: function () {
var retInfo = OpenInnerHelpDialog();
if (typeof retInfo === "undefined") {
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "try InnerHelp, but dialog operation not correct.");
return '';
if (retInfo.HelpDevice === "1") { // to skill
if ( !UTIL.CheckIsNumber(retInfo.HelpSkillNo)){
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "Help SkillNo number input not correct!");
return '';
return AgentExcute("InternalHelpEx2", 5, retInfo.HelpSkillNo, retInfo.HelpType);
else { // to agent
if ( !UTIL.CheckIsNumber(retInfo.HelpWorkNo)){
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "Help WorkNo number input not correct!");
return '';
if (retInfo.HelpWorkNo <= 0) {
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "try InnerHelp, workno less than 0.");
return AgentExcute("InternalHelpEx", 5, retInfo.HelpWorkNo, retInfo.HelpType);
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "innerhelp helptype incorrect!");
return "";
Transfer: function () {
var retInfo = OpenTransferDialog();
if (typeof retInfo === "undefined") {
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "try Transfer, but dialog operation not correct.");
return '';
if (retInfo.DeviceType === "1") {
if ( !UTIL.CheckIsNumber(retInfo.DeviceNo)){
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "Target queue not correct!");
return '';
return AgentExcute("TransToQueueEx", 5, retInfo.TransType, retInfo.DeviceNo);
else if (retInfo.DeviceType === "2") {
if ( !UTIL.CheckIsNumber(retInfo.DeviceNo)){
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "Target agent not correct!");
return '';
return AgentExcute("TransToAgent", AgentState.GetMediaType(), retInfo.TransType, retInfo.DeviceNo);
else if (retInfo.DeviceType === "3") {
if ( !UTIL.CheckIsNumber(retInfo.DeviceNo)){
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "Target ivr not correct!");
return '';
return AgentExcute("TransToIVR", 5, retInfo.TransType, retInfo.DeviceNo);
else if (retInfo.DeviceType === "4") {
if ( !UTIL.CheckIsNumber(retInfo.DeviceNo)){
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "Target accesscode not correct!");
return '';
return AgentExcute("TransToAccess", 5, retInfo.TransType, retInfo.DeviceNo);
else if (retInfo.DeviceType === "5") {
return AgentExcute("TransOutEx2", 5, retInfo.TransType, retInfo.DeviceNo);
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "transfer DeviceType incorrect!");
return "";
MultiConf: function () {
var retInfo = OpenMultiConfDialog();
if (typeof retInfo === "undefined") {
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "try multiconf, but dialog operation not correct.");
return '';
if (retInfo.OprType === "1") {
if ( !UTIL.CheckIsNumber(retInfo.PartNum)){
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "agent number input not correct!");
return '';
return AgentExcute("RequestMultimediaConfEx", AgentState.GetCallID(), retInfo.PartNum, retInfo.AgentList);
else if (retInfo.OprType === "2") {
if ( !UTIL.CheckIsNumber(retInfo.PartNum)){
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "agent number input not correct!");
return '';
if (ConferenceState.GetCurrentJoinedConfID() === "") {
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "InviteJoinMultimediaConfEx failed, there is no meeting!");
return "";
return AgentExcute("InviteJoinMultimediaConfEx", ConferenceState.GetCurrentJoinedConfID(), retInfo.PartNum, retInfo.AgentList);
ERROR_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "MultiConf oprtype in correct incorrect!");
return '';
LeaveConf: function () {
if (ConferenceState.GetCurrentJoinedConfID() === "") {
return 'ERROR: There is no meeting to leave.';
return ConferenceExcute("LeaveConf");
TerminateConf: function () {
if (ConferenceState.GetCurrentJoinedConfID() === "") {
return 'ERROR: There is no meeting.';
var presenterId = ConferenceState.GetPresenter();
if (presenterId === null)
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "Failed to get presenterId,Try to terminate meeting now");
return ConferenceExcute("TerminateConf");
if (ConferenceState.IsSelfUser(presenterId))
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "Presenter teminate meeting");
return ConferenceExcute("TerminateConf");
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentAppDemo", "party leave meeting");
return ConferenceExcute("LeaveConf");
//multimedia methods define below
ShowWindow: function (hwnd, width, height) {
if (ConferenceState.GetCurrentJoinedConfID() === "") {
return 'ERROR: please create meeting first';
if (!UTIL.CheckIsNumber(width) || !UTIL.CheckIsNumber(height)){
return 'ERROR: width or height input error';
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0){
return 'ERROR: width or height <= 0';
var wndList = WndUiState.GetWndList();
var title = "";
for (var i = 0; i < wndList.length; i++) {
if (wndList[i].hwnd === parseInt(hwnd)) {
title = wndList[i].title;
//if try to show a desktopshare window
if (title.indexOf("DesktopShare") >= 0){
var changedHeight = width*(ConferenceState.GetDesktopShareDisplaySet().y/ConferenceState.GetDesktopShareDisplaySet().x);
ConferenceExcute("SetShareScreenDisplaySize", parseInt(width), parseInt(changedHeight));
return WndUiExcute('Show', hwnd, parseInt(width)+15, parseInt(changedHeight) + 35);//add 2 for the border width of the window,add 27 for the border height of the window
return WndUiExcute('Show', hwnd, parseInt(width), parseInt(height));
SetVideoParam: function () {
if (ConferenceState.GetCurrentJoinedConfID() === "") {
return 'ERROR: please create meeting first';
var param = AgentAppDemoExcute("ChooseVideoParam");
if (param === null) {
return 'ERROR: operation not correctly, device not selected ';
if (param === undefined) {
return 'ERROR: operation not correctly, device not selected ';
// first close it
ConferenceExcute("CloseVideoDevice", UserState.GetSelectedVideoDevice());
var setParamExcute = "ConferenceExcute('SetVideoCurrentParam'," + UserState.GetSelectedVideoDevice() + ",\'" + param + "\')";
var t1 = setTimeout(setParamExcute, 1500)
//ConferenceExcute('SetVideoCurrentParam', UserState.GetSelectedVideoDevice(), param);
var t2 = setTimeout(" ConferenceExcute('OpenVideoDevice'," + " " + UserState.GetSelectedVideoDevice() + ")", 2000);
//ConferenceExcute("OpenVideoDevice", UserState.GetSelectedVideoDevice());
SendFile: function (sendfile) {
//check if there is a meeting
if (ConferenceState.GetCurrentJoinedConfID() === "") {
return 'ERROR: please create meeting first';
var userid = AgentAppDemoExcute("ChooseConfMemberUser", "I18N_DIALOG_TIPMESSAGE_SENDFILE");
if (userid === null) {
return 'ERROR: operation not correctly, conf member not chosen';
if (ConferenceState.IsSelfUser(userid)) {
return 'ERROR: can not send file to yourself';
if (!ConferenceState.IsInConfMemberList(userid)) {
return 'ERROR: userid:' + userid + " not in the meeting now";
return ConferenceExcute('SendFile', userid, sendfile);
CancelSendFile: function (filehandle) {
//check if there is a meeting
if (ConferenceState.GetCurrentJoinedConfID() === "") {
return 'ERROR: please create meeting first';
return ConferenceExcute('CancelSendingFile', filehandle);
ReceiveFile: function (fileHandle, savefile) {
//check if there is a meeting
if (ConferenceState.GetCurrentJoinedConfID() === "") {
return 'ERROR: please create meeting first';
return ConferenceExcute('ReceiveFile', fileHandle, savefile);
CancelReceive: function (fileHandle) {
//check if there is a meeting
if (ConferenceState.GetCurrentJoinedConfID() === "") {
return 'ERROR: please create meeting first';
return ConferenceExcute('CancelReceiveFile', fileHandle);
OpenLocalVideo: function () {
//check if there is a meeting
if (ConferenceState.GetCurrentJoinedConfID() === "") {
return 'ERROR: please create meeting first';
if (UserState.GetIsLocalVideoOpened()) {
return ConferenceExcute('CloseVideoDevice', UserState.GetSelectedVideoDevice());
var deviceid = AgentAppDemoExcute("ChooseLocalVideoDevice");
if (deviceid === null) {
return 'ERROR: operation not correctly, device not selected ';
if (deviceid <= 0) {
return 'ERROR: operation not correctly, device not selected ';
return ConferenceExcute('OpenVideoDevice', deviceid);
CloseLocalVideo: function () {
//check if there is a meeting
if (ConferenceState.GetCurrentJoinedConfID() === "") {
return 'ERROR: please create meeting first';
if (UserState.GetIsLocalVideoOpened())
return ConferenceExcute('CloseVideoDevice', UserState.GetSelectedVideoDevice());
INFO_LOT_METHOD("UserAppDemo","Video deivice not opened");
return ConferenceExcute('CloseVideoDevice', deviceid);
StartDesktopShare: function () {
//check if there is a meeting
if (ConferenceState.GetCurrentJoinedConfID() === "") {
return 'ERROR: please create meeting first';
//share desktop share
return ConferenceExcute('StartShareScreen', 'desktop');
StopDesktopShare: function () {
//check if there is a meeting
if (ConferenceState.GetCurrentJoinedConfID() === "") {
return 'ERROR: please create meeting first';
//stop desktop share
return ConferenceExcute('StopShareScreen');
AllowRemoteCtrl: function () {
//check if there is a meeting
if (ConferenceState.GetCurrentJoinedConfID() === "") {
return 'ERROR: please create meeting first';
var userid = AgentAppDemoExcute("ChooseConfMemberUser", "I18N_DIALOG_TIPMESSAGE_ALLOW_REMOTE_CTRL");
if (userid === null) {
return 'ERROR: operation not correctly, conf member not chosen';
if (ConferenceState.IsSelfUser(userid)) {
return 'ERROR: can not set yourself the remotectrl privileage';
if (!ConferenceState.IsInConfMemberList(userid)) {
return 'ERROR: userid:' + userid + " not in the meeting now";
return ConferenceExcute('SetOperationPrivilege', userid, 'remotectl', 'add');
StopRemoteCtrl: function () {
//check if there is a meeting
if (ConferenceState.GetCurrentJoinedConfID() === "") {
return 'ERROR: please create meeting first';
return ConferenceExcute('SetOperationPrivilege', ConferenceState.GetDesktopShareControlUser(), 'remotectl', 'delete'); //stop the currentTalking user to control