// ***************************************************************************** // 文 件 名: jbardisplay.js // 作 者: wsj // 版 本: // 日 期: 2014-07-15 // 文件描述: // 电话条的内联界面 // 说 明: // 电话条的内联界面,支持easyUI和普通html两种方式 // 修改说明: // ***************************************************************************** ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // vccbar cmd btn var cmdSetWrapUp = 0; var cmdSetBusy = cmdSetWrapUp+1; var cmdSetIdle = cmdSetWrapUp+2; var cmdMakeCall = cmdSetWrapUp+3; var cmdHold = cmdSetWrapUp+4; var cmdRetrieveHold = cmdSetWrapUp+5; var cmdDisconnect = cmdSetWrapUp+6; var cmdTransfer = cmdSetWrapUp+7; var cmdConference = cmdSetWrapUp+8; var cmdAnswer = cmdSetWrapUp+9; var cmdTransferOut = cmdSetWrapUp+10; var cmdConsult = cmdSetWrapUp+11; var cmdSendDTMF = cmdSetWrapUp+12; var cmdBridge = cmdSetWrapUp+13; var cmdAlternate = cmdSetWrapUp+14; var cmdConfigurate = cmdSetWrapUp+15; var cmdForceReset = cmdSetWrapUp+16; var cmdBeginRecord = cmdSetWrapUp+17; var cmdStopRecord = cmdSetWrapUp+18; var cmdListen = cmdSetWrapUp+19; var cmdInsert = cmdSetWrapUp+20; var cmdIntercept = cmdSetWrapUp+21; var cmdForeReleaseCall = cmdSetWrapUp+22; var cmdBeginPlay = cmdSetWrapUp+23; var cmdStopPlay = cmdSetWrapUp+24; var cmdLock = cmdSetWrapUp+25; var cmdUnLock = cmdSetWrapUp+26; var cmdMute = cmdSetWrapUp+27; var cmdCallBack = cmdSetWrapUp+28; var cmdReCall = cmdSetWrapUp+29; var cmdHelp = cmdSetWrapUp+30; var NotSurrport_Jquery = 0; var Surrport_Jquery = NotSurrport_Jquery+1; function BeginAgentStatusTimer() { if(application.oJBarDisplayer._timer == null) application.oJBarDisplayer._timer = setInterval( GlAgentStatusTimeSum ,1000); } function StopAgentStatusTimer() { if(application.oJBarDisplayer._timer != null) clearInterval(application.oJBarDisplayer._timer); } function GlAgentStatusTimeSum() { application.oJBarDisplayer.AgentStatusTimeSum(); } function JSMessageBox(str){ /* $.messager.show({ title:GetLanguageItem(getLocalLanguage(),"信息提示","information"), msg:str, showType:'fade', style:{ right:'', bottom:'' } }); */ $.messager.show({ title:GetLanguageItem(getLocalLanguage(),"信息提示","information"), msg:str, showType:'fade', width:400, height:120, style:{ right:'', bottom:'' } }); } function JBarDisplay(nLeft,nTop,nWidth,nHeight,oContentWindow,oWindow) { //########################// // 属性 // //########################// //公共属性 this.left = nLeft; this.top = nTop; this.width = nWidth; this.height = nHeight; oWindow = (typeof(oWindow) == "undefined")?null:oWindow; this._window = (oWindow==null)?window:oWindow; this._contentWindow = (oContentWindow==null)?window:oContentWindow; this.id = "oBar_" + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100); this.name = this.id + "_Ctrl"; this.language = getLocalLanguage(); this.displayType = (application.oBrowserSys.os == "msie" && this.version>"6.0")?NotSurrport_Jquery:Surrport_Jquery; //all btns this._arrBtnText = new Array(); this._arrBtnId = new Array(); this._arrBtnIcon = new Array(); //show btns this._showBtns = new Array(); this._btnIDs = "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15"; //application.oJBarDisplayer = this; this._btnEnableIDs = "0|15"; // this._btnEnableIDs = "0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|15|16"; this._busySubStatus = ""; this._busySubStatusSelectedItem = ""; this._agentStatus = 0;//0:未登录 1:忙碌 2:空闲 3:通话中 4:后续态 this._timerCount = 0; this._timer = null; // 主图相关的HTML对象 this.oBarDisplay = null; this.oBusyMenu = null; this.oMouseEvent = null; // this.oInputDisplay = null; this.errDescription = ""; // 错误提示信息 //########################// // 方法   // //########################// //内部方法 this._serial = function(){ if(this._arrBtnId.length>0) return ; var allCmd = "工作状态|示忙|示闲|呼出|保持|接回|挂断|转移|会议|应答|转出|咨询|再拨|桥接|切换|设置|强复位|录音|停录|监听|强插|拦截|强拆|放音|结束|加锁|解锁|静音|返回|重拨|辅助"; if( getLocalLanguage() != lg_zhcn ) allCmd = "Status|SetBusy|SetIdle|Callout|Hold|Retrieve|Disconnect|Transfer|Conference|Answer|TransferOut|Consult|SendDtmf|Bridge|AlterNate|Setting|ForceReset|Record|StopRecord|Listen|Insert|Intercept|ForeReleaseCall|Play|StopPlay|Lock|unLock|Mute|Callback|Recall|Help"; var arrIndex = allCmd.split("|"); var allIcon = "icon-blank|icon-add|icon-edit|icon-remove|icon-save|icon-cut|icon-ok|icon-no|icon-cancel|icon-reload|icon-search|icon-print|icon-help|icon-undo|icon-redo|icon-back|icon-sum|icon-tip|icon-filter|icon-tip|icon-filter|icon-tip|icon-filter|icon-tip|icon-filter|icon-blank|icon-blank|icon-blank|icon-blank|icon-blank|icon-blank"; var arrIcon = allIcon.split("|"); for( var i=0;i"+item[1]+""; } } return menuHtml; }; this._clearBtns = function(){ for( var i=0;i  呼叫类型:","

  callType:"); shtml = shtml + "

"; shtml = shtml + "


"; shtml = shtml + "

      "; shtml = shtml + "

"; this.oInputDisplay.setSetContent(shtml); this.oInputDisplay.setTitle( GetLanguageItem(this.language,"外呼","callout")); this.oInputDisplay.show(1); } else { if(this.oInputDisplay ) { this.oInputDisplay.close(); this.oInputDisplay = null; } this.oInputDisplay = new JBarDialog(200,120,260,180,null); var shtml = "

  "+GetLanguageItem(this.language,"呼叫类型","callType")+":"; shtml = shtml + "

"; shtml = shtml + "


"; shtml = shtml + "

      "; shtml = shtml + "

"; this.oInputDisplay.setSetContent(shtml); this.oInputDisplay.setTitle(GetLanguageItem(this.language,"外呼","callout")); this.oInputDisplay.display(); } } break; case cmdHold: application.oJVccBar.Hold(); break; case cmdRetrieveHold: application.oJVccBar.RetrieveHold(); break; case cmdDisconnect: application.oJVccBar.Disconnect(); break; case cmdTransfer: application.oJVccBar.Transfer(); break; case cmdConference: application.oJVccBar.Conference(); break; case cmdAnswer: application.oJVccBar.Answer(); break; case cmdTransferOut: { if(this.displayType == NotSurrport_Jquery) { this.oInputDisplay = new divDialog(parseInt(event.clientX),parseInt(event.clientY),260,180,1,0,null); var shtml = "

  "+GetLanguageItem(this.language,"转出类型","transferType")+":"; shtml = shtml + "

"; shtml = shtml + "


"; shtml = shtml + "

      "; shtml = shtml + "

"; this.oInputDisplay.setSetContent(shtml); this.oInputDisplay.setTitle(GetLanguageItem(this.language,"转出","transferout")); this.oInputDisplay.show(1); } else { if(this.oInputDisplay ) { this.oInputDisplay.close(); this.oInputDisplay = null; } this.oInputDisplay = new JBarDialog(parseInt(event.clientX),parseInt(event.clientY),260,180,null); var shtml = "

  "+GetLanguageItem(this.language,"转出类型","transferType")+":"; shtml = shtml + "

"; shtml = shtml + "


"; shtml = shtml + "

      "; shtml = shtml + "

"; this.oInputDisplay.setSetContent(shtml); this.oInputDisplay.setTitle(GetLanguageItem(this.language,"转出","transferout")); this.oInputDisplay.display(); } } break; case cmdConsult: { if(this.displayType == NotSurrport_Jquery) { this.oInputDisplay = new divDialog(parseInt(event.clientX),parseInt(event.clientY),260,180,1,0,null); var shtml = "

  "+GetLanguageItem(this.language,"咨询类型","consultTypeType"+":"); shtml = shtml + "

"; shtml = shtml + "


"; shtml = shtml + "

      "; shtml = shtml + "

"; this.oInputDisplay.setSetContent(shtml); this.oInputDisplay.setTitle(GetLanguageItem(this.language,"咨询","consult")); this.oInputDisplay.show(1); } else { if(this.oInputDisplay ) { this.oInputDisplay.close(); this.oInputDisplay = null; } this.oInputDisplay = new JBarDialog(parseInt(event.clientX),parseInt(event.clientY),260,180,null); var shtml = "

  "+GetLanguageItem(this.language,"咨询类型","consultTypeType")+":"; shtml = shtml + "

"; shtml = shtml + "


"; shtml = shtml + "

      "; shtml = shtml + "

"; this.oInputDisplay.setSetContent(shtml); this.oInputDisplay.setTitle(GetLanguageItem(this.language,"咨询","consult")); this.oInputDisplay.display(); } } break; case cmdSendDTMF: { if(this.displayType == NotSurrport_Jquery) { this.oInputDisplay = new divDialog(parseInt(event.clientX),parseInt(event.clientY),260,220,1,0,null); var shtml = ""; shtml = shtml + "


"; //1,2,3 shtml = shtml + "         "; shtml = shtml + " "; shtml = shtml + " 
"; //4,5,6 shtml = shtml + "         "; shtml = shtml + " "; shtml = shtml + " 
"; //7,8,9 shtml = shtml + "         "; shtml = shtml + " "; shtml = shtml + " 
"; //*,0,# shtml = shtml + "         "; shtml = shtml + " "; shtml = shtml + " "; shtml = shtml + "

      "; shtml = shtml + "   

"; this.oInputDisplay.setSetContent(shtml); this.oInputDisplay.setTitle(GetLanguageItem(this.language,"二次拨号","senddtmf")); this.oInputDisplay.show(1); } else { if(this.oInputDisplay ) { this.oInputDisplay.close(); this.oInputDisplay = null; } this.oInputDisplay = new JBarDialog(350,200,260,240,null); var shtml = ""; shtml = shtml + "


"; //1,2,3 shtml = shtml + "         "; shtml = shtml + " "; shtml = shtml + " 
"; //4,5,6 shtml = shtml + "         "; shtml = shtml + " "; shtml = shtml + " 
"; //7,8,9 shtml = shtml + "         "; shtml = shtml + " "; shtml = shtml + " 
"; //*,0,# shtml = shtml + "         "; shtml = shtml + " "; shtml = shtml + " "; shtml = shtml + "

      "; shtml = shtml + "   

"; this.oInputDisplay.setSetContent(shtml); this.oInputDisplay.setTitle(GetLanguageItem(this.language,"二次拨号","senddtmf")); this.oInputDisplay.display(); } } break; case cmdBridge: break; case cmdAlternate: break; case cmdConfigurate: break; case cmdForceReset: application.oJVccBar.ForceReset(); break; case cmdBeginRecord: break; case cmdStopRecord: break; case cmdListen: break; case cmdInsert: break; case cmdIntercept: break; case cmdForeReleaseCall: break; case cmdBeginPlay: break; case cmdStopPlay: break; case cmdLock: break; case cmdUnLock: break; case cmdMute: break; case cmdCallBack: break; case cmdReCall: break; case cmdHelp: break; } }; //########################// //界面回调方法 //########################// this.MethodFromUI = function(nType,param){ switch(nType) { case cmdMakeCall: { var sDestNum = trimStr(this._contentWindow.document.getElementById("txtDestNum").value); if(sDestNum == "") { if(this.language==lg_zhcn) alert("对方号码不能为空!"); else alert("destNum can't be empty"); return; } var oSelType = this._contentWindow.document.getElementById("selType"); var callType = oSelType.options[oSelType.options.selectedIndex].value; if(callType == 0){ application.oJVccBar.CallIn(sDestNum,5); } else{ application.oJVccBar.MakeCall(sDestNum,3); } } break; case cmdConsult: { var sDestNum = trimStr(this._contentWindow.document.getElementById("txtDestNum").value); if(sDestNum == "") { if(this.language==lg_zhcn) alert("对方号码不能为空!"); else alert("destNum can't be empty"); return; } var oSelType = this._contentWindow.document.getElementById("selType"); var callType = oSelType.options[oSelType.options.selectedIndex].value; application.oJVccBar.Consult(callType,sDestNum); } break; case cmdSendDTMF: { if(typeof(param) != "undefined"){ this._contentWindow.document.getElementById("txtDestNum1").value = this._contentWindow.document.getElementById("txtDestNum1").value+param; return ; } var sDestNum = trimStr(this._contentWindow.document.getElementById("txtDestNum1").value); this._contentWindow.document.getElementById("txtDestNum1").value=''; if(sDestNum == "") { if(this.language==lg_zhcn) alert("二次拨号键不能为空!"); else alert("key can't be empty"); return; } application.oJVccBar.SendDTMF(sDestNum); } break; case cmdTransferOut: { var sDestNum = trimStr(this._contentWindow.document.getElementById("txtDestNum").value); if(sDestNum == "") { if(this.language==lg_zhcn) alert("对方号码不能为空!"); else alert("destNum can't be empty"); return; } var oSelType = this._contentWindow.document.getElementById("selType"); var callType = oSelType.options[oSelType.options.selectedIndex].value; application.oJVccBar.TransferOut(callType,sDestNum); } break; } }; this.CloseDlg = function(){ this.oInputDisplay.close(); this.oInputDisplay = null; }; //########################// //外部方法 //########################// //1)、初始化电话条 this.SerialBtn = function (showIDs, hideID) { this._clearBtns(); this.oBarDisplay.innerHTML = ""; showIDs = this._getShowIDs(showIDs, hideID); this._showBtns = showIDs.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < this._showBtns.length; i++) { if (this.displayType == NotSurrport_Jquery) { //var oBtn = this._contentWindow.document.createElement(""); var oBtn = this._window.document.createElement(""); this.oBarDisplay.appendChild(oBtn); } else { //var oBtn = this._contentWindow.document.createElement("a"); var oBtn = this._window.document.createElement("a"); oBtn.id = "btn_" + this._showBtns[i]; oBtn.btnType = "link"; oBtn.href = "#"; oBtn.setAttribute("class", "easyui-linkbutton"); oBtn.setAttribute("data-options", "plain:true,iconCls:'" + this._getCmdIconByID(this._showBtns[i]) + "'"); oBtn.innerHTML = this._getCmdTextByID(this._showBtns[i]); oBtn.setAttribute("onclick", "application.oJBarDisplayer._btnClick('" + this._showBtns[i] + "')"); this.oBarDisplay.appendChild(oBtn); } } if (this.displayType == Surrport_Jquery) { // $.parser.parse(); $.parser.parse('#' + this.name); } //var nWidth = //alert($('#' + this.name).width); this.SetSubBusyStatus(this._busySubStatus); }; //根据电话条事件改变按钮状态 this.ChangeBtnStatus = function(btns){ this._btnEnableIDs = btns; for( var i=0;i0) { BeginAgentStatusTimer(); } else { StopAgentStatusTimer(); } }; //统计电话条某个状态的时间 this.AgentStatusTimeSum = function(){ this._timerCount = this._timerCount+1; this.showAgentStatusTimer(); }; this.getTimerString = function (len){ if(len == 0) return ""; var hour = parseInt(len/3600); hour =(hour<10 ? "0"+hour:hour); if(hour == "00") hour = ""; else hour = hour+":"; var minute = parseInt((len%3600)/60); minute =(minute<10 ? "0"+minute:minute); var second = len%60; second =(second<10 ? "0"+second:second); return ""+(hour.toString()+minute.toString()+":"+second.toString())+""; }; this.getTextByStatus = function getTextByStatus(){ if(this._agentStatus == 1){ if(this._busySubStatusSelectedItem != "") return this._busySubStatusSelectedItem; if(this.language==lg_zhcn) return "忙碌"; else return "busy"; } else if(this._agentStatus == 2){ if(this.language==lg_zhcn) return "就绪"; else return "idle"; } else if(this._agentStatus == 3){ if(this.language==lg_zhcn) return "通话中"; else return "calling"; } else if(this._agentStatus == 4){ if(this.language==lg_zhcn) return "后续态"; else return "wrapup"; } else{ if(this.language==lg_zhcn) return "未登录"; else return "null"; } }; this.showAgentStatusTimer = function () { var busyID = cmdSetWrapUp.toString(); if(this.displayType == NotSurrport_Jquery) { //var oBtn = this._contentWindow.document.getElementById("btn_"+busyID); var oBtn = this._window.document.getElementById("btn_"+busyID); if(oBtn == null) return ; oBtn.disabled = true; } else { //var oBtn = this._contentWindow.document.getElementById("btn_"+busyID); var oBtn = this._window.document.getElementById("btn_"+busyID); if(oBtn == null) return ; if(this._timerCount == 0) oBtn.innerHTML = this.getTextByStatus(); else oBtn.innerHTML = this.getTextByStatus()+"("+this.getTimerString(this._timerCount)+")"; } }; this.ShowSelfPrompt = function(code,description){ // JSMessageBox("  
  • code:【"+code+"】
  •   description:【"+description+"】
  • "); JSMessageBox("  code:【"+code+"】
      description:【"+description+"】"); }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 调整显示区域的大小 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this.show = function show(border) { if( this.oBarDisplay ) { // this.oBarDisplay.style.left = this.left; // this.oBarDisplay.style.top = this.top; // this.oBarDisplay.style.width = this.width; // this.oBarDisplay.style.height = this.height; if(typeof(border) == "undefined" ) border = 0; if(border>0) this.oBarDisplay.style.border = "1px solid #008AC6"; else this.oBarDisplay.style.border = "0px"; } //this.resize(this.left,this.top,this.width,this.height); }; this.resize=function resize(nLeft,nTop,nWidth,nHeight) { this.left = (typeof(nLeft)=="number")?nLeft:0; this.top = (typeof(nTop)=="number")?nTop:0; this.width = (nWidth>0)?nWidth:100; this.height = (nHeight>0)?nHeight:100; with(this.oBarDisplay.style) { pixelWidth = this.width; pixelHeight = this.height; pixelLeft = this.left; pixelTop = this.top; } }; this._createObject(); return this; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var oDialog = null; function divDialog(nLeft,nTop,nWidth,nHeight,isMove,isResize,oContentWindow) { //########################// // 属性 // //########################// //公共属性 this.left = nLeft; this.top = nTop; this.width = nWidth; this.height = nHeight; this.ismove = isMove; this.isresize = isResize; this._contentWindow = (oContentWindow==null)?window:oContentWindow; this.oPanel = null; oDialog = this; this.isIe = (application.oBrowserSys.os == "msie")?1:0; this.showflag = 0; this._createObject = function () { this.oPanel = this._contentWindow.document.createElement("div"); this.oPanel.id = "panelDiv"; this.oPanel.style.position = "absolute"; this.oPanel.style.backgroundColor = "#E5E5E5"; this.oPanel.style.padding = "2px 3px 3px 2px"; this.oPanel.style.overflow = "hidden"; // this.oPanel.style.zIndex = 1; this.oPanel.style.width = this.width; this.oPanel.style.height = this.height; this.oPanel.style.left = this.left; this.oPanel.style.top = this.top; ///// /* this.oBarDisplay.style.fontSize = "3px"; //边框为空 this.oBarDisplay.style.fontWeight = "bolder"; //边框为空 this.oBarDisplay.style.color = "white"; //边框为空 */ this._contentWindow.document.body.appendChild(this.oPanel); this._setChild(""); }; this._setChild = function (content){ //底色 var backDiv = this._contentWindow.document.createElement("div"); backDiv.style.cssText = "left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: #F5F5F5;"; this.oPanel.appendChild(backDiv); this.oPanel.backDiv = backDiv; //标题 var topDiv = document.createElement("div"); topDiv.style.cssText = "left: 2px; top: 2px; width: 100%; height: 24px; position: absolute; background-color: #78ABFF; vertical-align: middle; z-index: 5"; if (this.ismove) { topDiv.style.cursor = "move"; if(this.isIe) topDiv.setAttribute("onmousedown", function(){oDialog.setMove(this);}); else topDiv.setAttribute("onmousedown", "oDialog.setMove();"); } else { topDiv.style.cursor = "default"; } topDiv.innerHTML = "标题栏"; this.oPanel.appendChild(topDiv); this.oPanel.topDiv = topDiv; //关闭按钮 var closeDiv = this._contentWindow.document.createElement("div"); closeDiv.style.cssText = "right: 8px; top : 5px; width: 24px; height: 18px; position: absolute; background-color: #E4EEFF; border: #2D66C4 1px solid; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; z-index: 10"; if(this.isIe){ closeDiv.oParent = this; closeDiv.setAttribute("onclick", function() {oDialog.eCloseDiv();}); } else{ closeDiv.setAttribute("onclick", "oDialog.eCloseDiv();"); } closeDiv.innerHTML = "×"; this.oPanel.appendChild(closeDiv); this.oPanel.closeDiv = closeDiv; //内容 var contentDiv = this._contentWindow.document.createElement("div"); contentDiv.style.cssText = "left: 2px; top: 35px; width: 100%; position: absolute; overflow: auto"; contentDiv.style.height = (parseInt(this.oPanel.style.height) - 40) + "px"; contentDiv.innerHTML = content;//"


    "; this.oPanel.appendChild(contentDiv); this.oPanel.contentDiv = contentDiv; //调整大小 var reDiv = this._contentWindow.document.createElement("div"); reDiv.style.cssText = "right: 0px; bottom: 0px; width: 5px; height: 5px; position: absolute;"; if (isResize) { reDiv.style.cursor = "se-resize"; if(this.isIe){ reDiv.setAttribute("onmousedown", function(){oDialog.setResize();}); } else{ reDiv.setAttribute("onmousedown", "oDialog.setResize();"); } } else { reDiv.style.cursor = "default"; } this.oPanel.appendChild(reDiv); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// 方法 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this.setTitle = function(title){ this.oPanel.topDiv.innerHTML = ""+title+""; }; this.setSetContent = function(str){ this.oPanel.contentDiv.innerHTML = str; }; this.show = function(flag){ this.showflag = flag; if(this.showflag){this.oPanel.style.display = "block";} else {this.oPanel.style.display = "none";} }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// 事件 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this.setResize = function(){ }; this.oTime = null; this.divClone = null; this.oDiv = null; this.oX; this.oY; this.oLeft; this.oTop; this.oWidth; this.oHeight; this.eventType; this.setMove = function(obj){ var btncode = (this.isIe)?1:0; if (event.button == btncode) { if (this.oTime) { clearTimeout(this.oTime); this.divClone.parentNode.removeChild(this.divClone); } if(typeof(obj) == "undefined"){ obj = this.oPanel.topDiv; } this.oDiv = obj.parentNode; this.divClone = this.oDiv.cloneNode(true); this.divClone.style.filter = "Alpha(opacity=50)"; if(this.isIe){ this.divClone.childNodes[1].setAttribute("onmousemove", function(){oDialog.startMove(this);}); this.divClone.childNodes[1].setAttribute("onmouseup", function(){oDialog.endMove();}); } else{ this.divClone.childNodes[1].setAttribute("onmousemove", "oDialog.startMove();"); this.divClone.childNodes[1].setAttribute("onmouseup", "oDialog.endMove();"); } this.oX = parseInt(event.clientX); this.oY = parseInt(event.clientY); this.oLeft = parseInt(this.divClone.style.left); this.oTop = parseInt(this.divClone.style.top); this._contentWindow.document.body.appendChild(this.divClone); this.divClone.childNodes[1].setCapture(); this.eventType = "move"; } }; //拖移 this.startMove = function (obj) { var btncode = (this.isIe)?1:0; if (oDialog.eventType == "move" && event.button == btncode) { if(typeof(obj) == "undefined"){ obj = oDialog.divClone.childNodes[1]; } var moveDiv = obj.parentNode; moveDiv.style.left = (oDialog.oLeft + event.clientX - oDialog.oX) + "px"; moveDiv.style.top = (oDialog.oTop + event.clientY - oDialog.oY) + "px"; } }; //拖移结束调用动画 this.endMove = function () { if (this.eventType == "move") { this.divClone.childNodes[1].releaseCapture(); this.move(parseInt(this.divClone.style.left), parseInt(this.divClone.style.top)); this.eventType = ""; } }; //移动的动画 this.move = function (aimLeft, aimTop) { var nowLeft = parseInt(this.oDiv.style.left); var nowTop = parseInt(this.oDiv.style.top); var moveSize = 30; if (nowLeft > aimLeft + moveSize || nowLeft < aimLeft - moveSize || nowTop > aimTop + moveSize || nowTop < aimTop - moveSize) { this.oDiv.style.left = aimLeft > nowLeft + moveSize ? (nowLeft + moveSize) + "px" : aimLeft < nowLeft - moveSize ? (nowLeft - moveSize) + "px" : nowLeft + "px"; this.oDiv.style.top = aimTop > nowTop + moveSize ? (nowTop + moveSize) + "px" : aimTop < nowTop - moveSize ? (nowTop - moveSize) + "px" : nowTop + "px"; this.oTime = setTimeout("oDialog.move(" + aimLeft + ", " + aimTop + ")", 1); } else { this.oDiv.style.left = this.divClone.style.left; this.oDiv.style.top = this.divClone.style.top; this.divClone.parentNode.removeChild(this.divClone); this.divClone == null; } }; //////////////////////////////////////// this.eCloseDiv = function(){ if (this.oPanel) { this.oPanel.parentNode.removeChild(this.oPanel); this.oPanel = null; } }; this._createObject(); return this; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function JBarDialog(nLeft,nTop,nWidth,nHeight,oContentWindow) { //alert('JBarDialog'); //########################// // 属性 // //########################// //公共属性 this.left = nLeft; this.top = nTop; this.width = nWidth; this.height = nHeight; this._contentWindow = (oContentWindow==null)?window:oContentWindow; this.id = "oDlg_" + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100); this.name = this.id + "_Ctrl"; // 主图相关的HTML对象 this.oBarDisplay = null; this.errDescription = ""; // 错误提示信息 //########################// // 方法   // //########################// //内部方法 this._createObject = function _createObject() { //
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