=RUSH_GET_WhatYouWantDay(0,{expstate} ) and t.end_date<=RUSH_GET_WhatYouWantDay(1,{expstate} ) and $equal(t.org_id,company) and t.customerid not in ( select l.customer_id from RUSH_RECORD l where l.customer_id = t.customerid and t.end_date <= add_months(trunc(sysdate, 'yyyy'), 12) - 1 union select c.customer_id from rush_task_center c where c.customer_id=t.customerid ) and $equal(t.revenueid,revenue) and $equal(t.end_datechr,service_end_date) ]]> =RUSH_GET_WhatYouWantDay(0,{expstate} ) and t.end_date<=RUSH_GET_WhatYouWantDay(1,{expstate} ) and $equal(t.org_id,company) and t.customerid not in ( select l.customer_id from RUSH_RECORD l where l.customer_id = t.customerid and t.end_date <= add_months(trunc(sysdate, 'yyyy'), 12) - 1 union select c.customer_id from rush_task_center c where c.customer_id=t.customerid ) and $equal(t.revenueid,revenue) and $equal(t.end_datechr,service_end_date) and rownum<{num} ]]> =RUSH_GET_WhatYouWantDay(0,{expstate} ) and t.end_date<=RUSH_GET_WhatYouWantDay(1,{expstate} ) and $equal(t.org_id,company) and T.CUSTOMERID not in (select r.customer_id from RUSH_RECORD r where r.id in ( select t.obj_id from RUSH_LOG t where to_number(trunc(sysdate) -to_date(substr(t.operate_date,0,10),'yyyy-MM-dd')) <= {rushdaynum} and t.action='rushfee') union select c.customer_id from rush_task_center c ) and $equal(t.revenueid,revenue) and $equal(t.end_datechr,service_end_date) and rownum<={num} ]]>