/** * jQuery EasyUI 1.4 * * Copyright (c) 2009-2014 www.jeasyui.com. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the GPL license: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt * To use it on other terms please contact us at info@jeasyui.com * */ /** * calendar - jQuery EasyUI * */ (function($){ function setSize(target, param){ var opts = $.data(target, 'calendar').options; var t = $(target); if (param){ $.extend(opts, { width: param.width, height: param.height }); } t._size(opts, t.parent()); t.find('.calendar-body')._outerHeight(t.height() - t.find('.calendar-header')._outerHeight()); if (t.find('.calendar-menu').is(':visible')){ showSelectMenus(target); } } function init(target){ $(target).addClass('calendar').html( '
' + '
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' + 'Aprial 2010' + '
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' ); $(target).find('.calendar-title span').hover( function(){$(this).addClass('calendar-menu-hover');}, function(){$(this).removeClass('calendar-menu-hover');} ).click(function(){ var menu = $(target).find('.calendar-menu'); if (menu.is(':visible')){ menu.hide(); } else { showSelectMenus(target); } }); $('.calendar-prevmonth,.calendar-nextmonth,.calendar-prevyear,.calendar-nextyear', target).hover( function(){$(this).addClass('calendar-nav-hover');}, function(){$(this).removeClass('calendar-nav-hover');} ); $(target).find('.calendar-nextmonth').click(function(){ showMonth(target, 1); }); $(target).find('.calendar-prevmonth').click(function(){ showMonth(target, -1); }); $(target).find('.calendar-nextyear').click(function(){ showYear(target, 1); }); $(target).find('.calendar-prevyear').click(function(){ showYear(target, -1); }); $(target).bind('_resize', function(e,force){ if ($(this).hasClass('easyui-fluid') || force){ setSize(target); } return false; }); } /** * show the calendar corresponding to the current month. */ function showMonth(target, delta){ var opts = $.data(target, 'calendar').options; opts.month += delta; if (opts.month > 12){ opts.year++; opts.month = 1; } else if (opts.month < 1){ opts.year--; opts.month = 12; } show(target); var menu = $(target).find('.calendar-menu-month-inner'); menu.find('td.calendar-selected').removeClass('calendar-selected'); menu.find('td:eq(' + (opts.month-1) + ')').addClass('calendar-selected'); } /** * show the calendar corresponding to the current year. */ function showYear(target, delta){ var opts = $.data(target, 'calendar').options; opts.year += delta; show(target); var menu = $(target).find('.calendar-menu-year'); menu.val(opts.year); } /** * show the select menu that can change year or month, if the menu is not be created then create it. */ function showSelectMenus(target){ var opts = $.data(target, 'calendar').options; $(target).find('.calendar-menu').show(); if ($(target).find('.calendar-menu-month-inner').is(':empty')){ $(target).find('.calendar-menu-month-inner').empty(); var t = $('
').appendTo($(target).find('.calendar-menu-month-inner')); var idx = 0; for(var i=0; i<3; i++){ var tr = $('').appendTo(t); for(var j=0; j<4; j++){ $('').html(opts.months[idx++]).attr('abbr',idx).appendTo(tr); } } $(target).find('.calendar-menu-prev,.calendar-menu-next').hover( function(){$(this).addClass('calendar-menu-hover');}, function(){$(this).removeClass('calendar-menu-hover');} ); $(target).find('.calendar-menu-next').click(function(){ var y = $(target).find('.calendar-menu-year'); if (!isNaN(y.val())){ y.val(parseInt(y.val()) + 1); setDate(); } }); $(target).find('.calendar-menu-prev').click(function(){ var y = $(target).find('.calendar-menu-year'); if (!isNaN(y.val())){ y.val(parseInt(y.val() - 1)); setDate(); } }); $(target).find('.calendar-menu-year').keypress(function(e){ if (e.keyCode == 13){ setDate(true); } }); $(target).find('.calendar-menu-month').hover( function(){$(this).addClass('calendar-menu-hover');}, function(){$(this).removeClass('calendar-menu-hover');} ).click(function(){ var menu = $(target).find('.calendar-menu'); menu.find('.calendar-selected').removeClass('calendar-selected'); $(this).addClass('calendar-selected'); setDate(true); }); } function setDate(hideMenu){ var menu = $(target).find('.calendar-menu'); var year = menu.find('.calendar-menu-year').val(); var month = menu.find('.calendar-selected').attr('abbr'); if (!isNaN(year)){ opts.year = parseInt(year); opts.month = parseInt(month); show(target); } if (hideMenu){menu.hide()} } var body = $(target).find('.calendar-body'); var sele = $(target).find('.calendar-menu'); var seleYear = sele.find('.calendar-menu-year-inner'); var seleMonth = sele.find('.calendar-menu-month-inner'); seleYear.find('input').val(opts.year).focus(); seleMonth.find('td.calendar-selected').removeClass('calendar-selected'); seleMonth.find('td:eq('+(opts.month-1)+')').addClass('calendar-selected'); sele._outerWidth(body._outerWidth()); sele._outerHeight(body._outerHeight()); seleMonth._outerHeight(sele.height() - seleYear._outerHeight()); } /** * get weeks data. */ function getWeeks(target, year, month){ var opts = $.data(target, 'calendar').options; var dates = []; var lastDay = new Date(year, month, 0).getDate(); for(var i=1; i<=lastDay; i++) dates.push([year,month,i]); // group date by week var weeks = [], week = []; // var memoDay = 0; var memoDay = -1; while(dates.length > 0){ var date = dates.shift(); week.push(date); var day = new Date(date[0],date[1]-1,date[2]).getDay(); if (memoDay == day){ day = 0; } else if (day == (opts.firstDay==0 ? 7 : opts.firstDay) - 1){ weeks.push(week); week = []; } memoDay = day; } if (week.length){ weeks.push(week); } var firstWeek = weeks[0]; if (firstWeek.length < 7){ while(firstWeek.length < 7){ var firstDate = firstWeek[0]; var date = new Date(firstDate[0],firstDate[1]-1,firstDate[2]-1) firstWeek.unshift([date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()+1, date.getDate()]); } } else { var firstDate = firstWeek[0]; var week = []; for(var i=1; i<=7; i++){ var date = new Date(firstDate[0], firstDate[1]-1, firstDate[2]-i); week.unshift([date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()+1, date.getDate()]); } weeks.unshift(week); } var lastWeek = weeks[weeks.length-1]; while(lastWeek.length < 7){ var lastDate = lastWeek[lastWeek.length-1]; var date = new Date(lastDate[0], lastDate[1]-1, lastDate[2]+1); lastWeek.push([date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()+1, date.getDate()]); } if (weeks.length < 6){ var lastDate = lastWeek[lastWeek.length-1]; var week = []; for(var i=1; i<=7; i++){ var date = new Date(lastDate[0], lastDate[1]-1, lastDate[2]+i); week.push([date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()+1, date.getDate()]); } weeks.push(week); } return weeks; } /** * show the calendar day. */ function show(target){ var opts = $.data(target, 'calendar').options; if (opts.current && !opts.validator.call(target, opts.current)){ opts.current = null; } var now = new Date(); var todayInfo = now.getFullYear()+','+(now.getMonth()+1)+','+now.getDate(); var currentInfo = opts.current ? (opts.current.getFullYear()+','+(opts.current.getMonth()+1)+','+opts.current.getDate()) : ''; // calulate the saturday and sunday index var saIndex = 6 - opts.firstDay; var suIndex = saIndex + 1; if (saIndex >= 7) saIndex -= 7; if (suIndex >= 7) suIndex -= 7; $(target).find('.calendar-title span').html(opts.months[opts.month-1] + ' ' + opts.year); var body = $(target).find('div.calendar-body'); body.children('table').remove(); var data = ['']; data.push(''); for(var i=opts.firstDay; i'+opts.weeks[i]+''); } for(var i=0; i'+opts.weeks[i]+''); } data.push(''); data.push(''); var weeks = getWeeks(target, opts.year, opts.month); for(var i=0; i'); for(var j=0; j' + d + ''); } data.push(''); } data.push(''); data.push('
'); body.append(data.join('')); var t = body.children('table.calendar-dtable').prependTo(body); t.find('td.calendar-day:not(.calendar-disabled)').hover( function(){$(this).addClass('calendar-hover');}, function(){$(this).removeClass('calendar-hover');} ).click(function(){ var oldValue = opts.current; t.find('.calendar-selected').removeClass('calendar-selected'); $(this).addClass('calendar-selected'); var parts = $(this).attr('abbr').split(','); opts.current = new Date(parts[0], parseInt(parts[1])-1, parts[2]); opts.onSelect.call(target, opts.current); if (!oldValue || oldValue.getTime() != opts.current.getTime()){ opts.onChange.call(target, opts.current, oldValue); } }); } $.fn.calendar = function(options, param){ if (typeof options == 'string'){ return $.fn.calendar.methods[options](this, param); } options = options || {}; return this.each(function(){ var state = $.data(this, 'calendar'); if (state){ $.extend(state.options, options); } else { state = $.data(this, 'calendar', { options:$.extend({}, $.fn.calendar.defaults, $.fn.calendar.parseOptions(this), options) }); init(this); } if (state.options.border == false){ $(this).addClass('calendar-noborder'); } setSize(this); show(this); $(this).find('div.calendar-menu').hide(); // hide the calendar menu }); }; $.fn.calendar.methods = { options: function(jq){ return $.data(jq[0], 'calendar').options; }, resize: function(jq, param){ return jq.each(function(){ setSize(this, param); }); }, moveTo: function(jq, date){ return jq.each(function(){ var opts = $(this).calendar('options'); if (opts.validator.call(this, date)){ var oldValue = opts.current; $(this).calendar({ year: date.getFullYear(), month: date.getMonth()+1, current: date }); if (!oldValue || oldValue.getTime() != date.getTime()){ opts.onChange.call(this, opts.current, oldValue); } } }); } }; $.fn.calendar.parseOptions = function(target){ var t = $(target); return $.extend({}, $.parser.parseOptions(target, [ {firstDay:'number',fit:'boolean',border:'boolean'} ])); }; $.fn.calendar.defaults = { width:180, height:180, fit:false, border:true, firstDay:0, weeks:['S','M','T','W','T','F','S'], months:['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], year:new Date().getFullYear(), month:new Date().getMonth()+1, current:(function(){ var d = new Date(); return new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate()); })(), formatter:function(date){return date.getDate()}, styler:function(date){return ''}, validator:function(date){return true}, onSelect: function(date){}, onChange: function(newDate, oldDate){} }; })(jQuery);