//WndUiUIClass constructor function WndUiUIClass() { } //WndUiUIClass methods define WndUiUIClass.prototype = { UpdateWindowList: function () { var selectID = document.getElementById('UserAppDemo.WindowList'); var wndList = WndUiState.GetWndList(); // first remove all selectID.options.length = 0; //update the window list for (var i=0; i < wndList.length; i++){ var varItem = new Option(wndList[i].title, wndList[i].hwnd); selectID.options.add(varItem); } }, RemoveWindowList: function () { var selectID = document.getElementById('UserAppDemo.WindowList'); for (var i = 0; i < selectID.options.length; i++) { //first, destory the window resource WndUiExcute('Destroy', selectID.options[i].value) } //remove all selectID.options.length = 0; } }