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// Agent Ocx
// Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2015. All rights reserved.
function GetLanguagePageString(LanguagePageItem){
var LanguagePage = new LanguagePageClass();
var I18N = new I18NClass();
var languageObj = null;
languageObj = LanguagePage.GetLanguagePage(Config.Common['Language'])
if (languageObj === null || languageObj === undefined){
return LanguagePageItem;
if (languageObj[LanguagePageItem] === null || languageObj[LanguagePageItem] === undefined){
return LanguagePageItem;
return languageObj[LanguagePageItem];
var Agent = function()
this._ocx = null;; //ocx object
// !function whether ocx is null(private function)
this._isNull = function()
return (null===this._ocx || undefined===this._ocx);
Agent.prototype = {
// !function init Agent
init: function (ocxId) {
this._ocx = document.getElementById(ocxId);
Register: function (PhoneNumber, PhonePwd) {
return VoiceExcute("Register", PhoneNumber, PhonePwd, 0);
// !function SignInEx
SignInEx: function (WorkNo, AgentPwd, ProgID, PhoneNumber) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
var _return;
this._ocx.MainCcsIP = Config.Agent.MainCcsIP;
this._ocx.BackCcsIP = Config.Agent.BackCcsIP;
this._ocx.CcsID = Config.Agent.CcsID;
this._ocx.AgentType = 4;// pc phone
this._ocx.WorkNo = WorkNo;
this._ocx.Password = AgentPwd;
this._ocx.AutoAnswer = Config.Agent.AutoAnswer;
this._ocx.AutoRelease = 1;// auto release
this._ocx.MyID = ProgID;
_return = this._ocx.Initial();
if (_return !== 0) {
//returning 131 indicates that the agent has logged in, promote to force login
if (_return === 131){
var r=confirm(GetLanguagePageString("I18N_AGENTAPPDEMO_PROMOTE_FORCE_LOGIN"));
if (r===true){
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentOcx", "Agent choose to force sign in");
_return = this._ocx.InitialEx();
if (_return !== 0) {
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentOcx", "Interface:Initial, error.result:" + _return);
return ;
else {
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentOcx", "Agent canceled force sign in");
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentOcx", "Interface:Initial, error.result:" + _return);
return ;
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentOcx", "Interface:Initial, error.result:" + _return);
return _return;
//if sign in enter work, first change status to study, to avoid call in before say busy
if (Config.Agent.SignInEnterWork){
this._ocx.ChangeAgentStatus(8, 1, 0);//8 indicates study status
_return = this._ocx.SignInEx('TTF', AgentOcx._ocx.AgentType, PhoneNumber);
if (_return !== 0) {
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentOcx", "Interface:SignInEx, error.result:" + _return);
return _return;
//if sign in enter work, second change status to busy
if (Config.Agent.SignInEnterWork){
this._ocx.ChangeAgentStatus(8, 0, 0);//8 indicates study status
return this._ocx.SetAgentAutoEnterIdle(Config.Agent.AutoEnterIdle);
// !function SignOutEx
SignOutEx: function () {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
return this._ocx.SignOutEx();
// !function SayBusy
SayBusy: function () {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
return this._ocx.SayBusy();
SayBusyWithReason: function(busyReason){
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
return this._ocx.SayBusyWithReason(busyReason);
// !function SayFree
SayFree: function () {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
return this._ocx.SayFree();
// !function AgentEnterWork
AgentEnterWork: function () {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
return this._ocx.AgentEnterWork();
// !function AgentEnterIdle
AgentEnterIdle: function () {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
var _return = this._ocx.AgentEnterIdle();
return _return;
// !function RestEx
RestEx: function (restTime, restCause) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
// RestEx(RestDuration,RestCause)
return this._ocx.RestEx(restTime, restCause);
// !function RestEx
Rest: function (restTime) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
// RestEx(RestDuration,RestCause)
return this._ocx.Rest(restTime);
// !function CancelRest
CancelRest: function () {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
return this._ocx.CancelRest();
// !function AnswerEx
AnswerEx: function (usMediaType) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
return this._ocx.AnswerEx(usMediaType);
// !function ReleaseCallEx
ReleaseCallEx: function (usMediaType, usCCBIdx) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
if (parseInt(usMediaType) === 1)//webchat mediatype is 1
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentOcx","Release webchat ccbidx="+usCCBIdx);
return this._ocx.ReleaseCallExWithCCBIdx(usMediaType, usCCBIdx);
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentOcx","Release mediatype=" + usMediaType);
//if media type is 2 or 5
return this._ocx.ReleaseCallExWithCCBIdx(5, 1);
// !function BeginMuteUserEx
BeginMuteUserEx: function () {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
return this._ocx.BeginMuteUserEx();
// !function EndMuteUserEx
EndMuteUserEx: function () {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
return this._ocx.EndMuteUserEx();
// !function HoldEx
HoldEx: function () {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
return this._ocx.HoldEx();
// !function GerHoldEx
GetHoldEx: function () {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
var _return;
_return = this._ocx.QueryHoldListEx();
if (_return === 0) {
if (this._ocx.CallIDNum > 0)
//get latest callid
var _CallID = this._ocx.GetCallIDByIdx(this._ocx.CallIDNum - 1);
return this._ocx.GetHoldEx(_CallID);
else {
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentOcx", "Interface:GetHoldEx, there is no hold call!");
return 1;
else {
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentOcx", "Interface:GetHoldEx, error.result:" + _return);
return 1;
// !function BeginRecordEx
BeginRecordEx: function () {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
var _Date = new Date();
var _RecordName = _Date.getYear().toString() + (_Date.getMonth() + 1).toString() + _Date.getDate().toString() + _Date.getUTCMilliseconds().toString() + ".dat";
//mediatype 5 is voice, now only supports record voice
return this._ocx.BeginRecordEx(0, _RecordName, 5);
// !function StopRecordEx
StopRecordEx: function () {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
return this._ocx.StopRecordEx();
// !function StopRecordEx
CallOutEx: function (caller, called) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
return this._ocx.CallOutEx(caller, called, 0, '');
// !function CallInnerEx
CallInnerEx: function (workNo, mediaType) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
return this._ocx.CallInnerEx(workNo, mediaType);
// !function ConfJoinEx
ConfJoinEx: function () {
var _CallID
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
var _return = this._ocx.QueryHoldListEx();
if (_return === 0) {
_CallID = this._ocx.GetCallIDByIdx(0);
else {
return 1;
return this._ocx.ConfJoinEx(_CallID);
// !function AgentSendDTMF
AgentSendDTMF: function (dtmf) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
return this._ocx.AgentSendDTMF(dtmf);
// !function SetCallDataEx
SetCallDataEx: function (mediaType, calldata) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
return this._ocx.SetCallDataEx(mediaType, calldata);
// !function DisconnectCall
DisconnectCall: function () {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
var _return = this._ocx.QueryCallIDOnAgentEx(this._ocx.WorkNo);
if (_return === 0) {
var _CallID = this._ocx.GetCallIDByIdx(0);
if (_CallID !== 0) {
return this._ocx.DisconnectCall(_CallID);
else {
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentOcx", "Interface:GetCallIDByIdx, error.result:" + _CallID);
return 1;
else {
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentOcx", "Interface:QueryCallIDOnAgentEx, error.result:" + _return);
return _return;
TransToQueueEx: function (mediaType, transType, usSkillID) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
var _return;
var _fn;
_return = this._ocx.TransToQueueEx(mediaType, transType, usSkillID);
_fn = "TransToQueueEx";
if (_return !== 0) {
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentOcx", "Interface:" + _fn + ", error.result:" + _return);
return _return;
TransToAgent: function (mediaType, transType, workNo) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
var _return;
var _fn;
_return = this._ocx.TransToAgent(mediaType, transType, workNo);
_fn = "TransToAgent";
if (_return !== 0) {
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentOcx", "Interface:" + _fn + ", error.result:" + _return);
return _return;
TransToIVR: function (mediaType, transType, accessCode) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
var _return;
var _fn;
_return = this._ocx.TransToIVR(mediaType, transType, accessCode);
_fn = "TransToIVR";
if (_return !== 0) {
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentOcx", "Interface:" + _fn + ", error.result:" + _return);
return _return;
TransToAccess: function (mediaType, transType, accessCode) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
var _return;
var _fn;
_return = this._ocx.TransToAccess(mediaType, transType, accessCode);
_fn = "TransToAccess";
if (_return !== 0) {
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentOcx", "Interface:" + _fn + ", error.result:" + _return);
return _return;
TransOutEx2: function (mediaType, transType, number) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
var _return;
var _fn;
_return = this._ocx.TransOutEx2(mediaType, '', number, transType, 0, '');
_fn = "TransOutEx2";
if (_return !== 0) {
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentOcx", "Interface:" + _fn + ", error.result:" + _return);
return _return;
// !function CallInnerEx
InternalHelpEx: function (mediaType, workNo, helpMode) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
var _return;
var _fn;
_return = this._ocx.InternalHelpEx(mediaType, workNo, helpMode);
_fn = "InternalHelpEx";
if (_return !== 0) {
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentOcx", "Interface:" + _fn + ", error.result:" + _return);
return _return;
InternalHelpEx2: function (mediaType, skillID, helpMode) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
var _return;
var _fn;
var WorkNo;
_return = this._ocx.InternalHelpEx2(mediaType, skillID, helpMode, WorkNo);
_fn = "InternalHelpEx2";
if (_return !== 0) {
INFO_LOG_METHOD("AgentOcx", "Interface:" + _fn + ", error.result:" + _return);
var obj = new Object();
obj.ret = _return;
obj.workNo = WorkNo;
return obj;
SendChat: function (ccbIdx, content) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
var _return = this._ocx.SendMediaStreamWithCCBIdx(1, ccbIdx, content);
return _return;
RequestMultimediaConfEx: function (callID, partNum, agentList) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
var _return = 0;
_return = this._ocx.RequestMultimediaConfEx(callID, partNum, agentList);
return _return;
InviteJoinMultimediaConfEx: function (confID, partNum, agentList) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
var _return = 0;
_return = this._ocx.InviteJoinMultimediaConfEx(confID, partNum, agentList);
return _return;
StopMultimediaConf: function (ulConfID) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
return this._ocx.StopMultimediaConf(ulConfID);
JoinMultimediaConfResponse: function (ulConfID, usResultCode, usCause) {
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
return this._ocx.JoinMultimediaConfResponseEx(ulConfID, usResultCode, usCause);
GetPromptByErrorCode :function(ErrorCode){
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
return this._ocx.GetPromptByErrorCode(ErrorCode);
ModifyAgentPwd : function(OldPwd, NewPwd){
if (this._isNull()) {
return null;
return this._ocx.ModifyAgentPwd(OldPwd, NewPwd);
function GetAgentAutoReleaseSet()
return AgentOcx._ocx.AutoRelease;